
What is HProfits.com?

HProfits.com combines self-serve ad network and unique social media marketing platform for publishers and advertisers.

What are the benefits of HProfits?

We have advanced fraud monitoring solutions with an individual approach to every client. We only work with trusted advertisers and publishers.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept the following - Paxum, ePayService, Bitcoin, ePayments, WebMoney and PayPal.


How can I start earning money with my website?

If your website qualifies for approval, you can sign up as a publisher and submit your site for verification. After your website is successfully verified, you can start creating ad spots.

How long does the verification process takes?

The verification process usually takes up to 2-3 business days.

When do I get paid?

You can withdraw your earning after the withdrawal hold period.

What is the minimum amount required to withdraw money?

The minimum withdrawal amount is €30.


How can I create a campaign?

Register an account, get acquainted with the guidelines and follow documentation.

Do you work with SSP/DSP or you have direct publishers?

We work with direct publishers as well as with our trusted partners via OpenRTB.

Which ad targeting options I can use?

We provide our advertisers with advanced targeting options including: country, OS, browser & device types and more.

How long does it take for a campaign to be approved?

The process of campaign approval usually takes around 2-3 hours, depends on how many campaigns are under

What are your Advertising Guidelines?

Check detailed guidelines listed on this page.

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